The Creator Has a Fool-Proof Plan to Bring Peace to the Heavens, As Well As the Earth Says Yisrayl H
Pastor of The House of Yahweh writes blog post explaining the Creator, His Plan for mankind and Prophecy.
Abilene, Texas

Overseer of The House of Yahweh, Yisrayl Hawkins, has written a new article on his blog urging everyone to read, study, and inform his or her governmental representatives about the information he brings. In the post, entitled “What Could Be More Powerful Than The Nuclear Bomb? Non-Fiction,” Yisrayl discusses the facts that there is a Creator and that He is governing what is taking place everywhere.
Yisrayl says the Bible, which was inspired by the Creator, tells a story about what this generation can expect to experience. He says he can prove Prophecy is true and can explain it.
“The evidence showing that the Inspired Scriptures are, indeed, factual and that a Being, far Superior in intelligence than mankind, inspired them to be written, is found in the Scriptures themselves. Find me a being, who can tell us what will take place tomorrow or six months from tomorrow, and it comes to pass, I will believe him. Why? Because there is only one Being Who makes the claim of being able to foretell future events, and He is Yahweh,” Yisrayl says.
He says people need to take the Prophecies seriously because nuclear war is listed as one that will take place in this generation. He says, according to Prophecy, it is soon to come to pass.
“There are hundreds of Prophecies written for this generation, most of which have already come to pass or are in progress at this time for all to see. These are already taking place and will get much worse. These wars will turn nuclear,” Yisrayl says.
He spends a lot of time in the letter backing up his points and laying a foundation for anyone who would like to understand more about this topic.
To read Yisrayl’s letter, go to
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Restoring the Rightful Name of Yahweh and the True Name of the Savior, Yahshua, Whose Names were removed by the Roman Catholic Church and replaced in the Holy Scriptures with words such as lord and god, The House of Yahweh has correctly restored the Heavenly Father’s Name and also restored the Savior’s True Name in the translation named in Scripture, The Book of Yahweh; and ascribing to the Heavenly Father, the loving, caring attributes that establish Yahweh as the One and Only Heavenly Father is at the core of all teachings from the Great House of Yahweh. Father Yahweh gave mankind a pattern for living, a code of conduct, which The House of Yahweh teaches and promotes as The Body of 613 Laws established by Yahweh, Himself, from the very beginning.