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Yisrayl Hawkins Explains Book of Revelation’s Fourth Part of the Earth in New Post

House of Yahweh Pastor says he can answer biblical questions people have about future Prophecies.


Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh, has released a new publication this week that explains one of the most popular and least understood books in the Holy Scriptures, Revelation. The Book of Revelation paints a picture of what seems like cryptic and puzzling descriptions that have baffled scholars for centuries. Many have tossed it off as mere rubbish, but Yisrayl Hawkins says that is because they simply do not understand the real meanings, and he is here to explain them.

Yisrayl says one of the most fascinating Prophecies the Book of Revelation speaks of, though there are many, is relating to the “fourth part of the earth”. Yisrayl says this Prophecy is for this generation and speaks of a very specific area on the earth showing the activities that are taking place there now; yet, were foretold in the year 96 AY.

“When Prophecies are given, there are so many details in them but they’re not plain to see. Yahweh put things here a little and there a little, and then gives a teacher to help you understand them. You won’t understand them without that prophesied chosen teacher,” Yisrayl says.

Yisrayl says he is chosen, and prophesied of in your Bible, to explain the Prophecies in this generation, which are a complete set of publications in itself to prove. He adds that once you read his writings and see just how much understanding and proof goes into each of his publications, one will realize this can only be inspiration from Yahweh Himself.

“Yahweh inspires His prophesied servants and gives them knowledge that comes forth from Him. That’s the only reason I can explain Prophecy to you, because Yahweh is inspiring His prophesied House,” Yisrayl proclaims.

Yisrayl goes into depth in this letter on this one Prophecy and sprinkles in other information to build upon and support his information. He says he makes it easy to read and cost-free so people of all statuses and situations can have access.

To read this post, go to

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